Eysera Bridge 2

Eysera Bridge 2

Orin screamed because the thorny plants were prickling. He was trying to get rid. The more he struggled to pull them away, stronger those thorny plants stacked on his body.

He was living example of life in the hell. The hell that he borrowed intentionally, others could see his plight but they were looking at the team head. Junan shook his head. He gestured Albert to move ahead and help the fool.

Albert spread his shield and walked near the unlucky Orin. He was curious as to what type of enemy he could expect. The thorny plants were looking like the stubborn sticky enemy.

The plants were giving damage as they pricked the thorns in the skin. Albert used his spear at one of the plant and it fell on the ground. Albert did not firmly attacked instead he ruffled it away. It was alive. After Albert threw it and the plant started moving toward him.

Perhaps it got the next target.