Eysera Bridge 8

Eysera Bridge 8

Slowly the pool became bloody battleground. The blood of the injured alligators was adding in the mud. The team members looked like the last humans battling for the survival.

With the mud splashes their gowns were tainted. Orin smashed the thorny mace at the alligator and blood plopped on his face. He removed with his hand and kept the busy job.

The alligator was still alive after the first attack. It tried to capture from the leg and drag him in the mud. Orin stepped back immediately. He was trying his best to not directly attack.

There was high chance that his weapon got stuck in the big mouth of the alligator in case they faced head on. Human could battle against the alligator but there were some reasonable aspect that should be followed or else the strength of the alligators had had been always thousand time higher than human.