Red Rider 10

Red Rider 10

Eleventh quest

The pace of the team members increased after Junan decided the proper formation before battling with the boss. Merchant noticed that the leading security member was no more concerned.

It made him relax. From the signs the security members were ready for another battle. The scars of the previous battle were still there however there was no use in wasting time or waiting.

They could heal the scars after killing the boss. Also the scars were not threatening for their hp.

The second square was near after much travel. They crossed many open and bigger streets. The buildings of the city moved behind as the team members advanced forward.

The boss was coming from the opposite side. He saw the security members quite energetic and active. Junan saw the rider in the middle. The rider was wearing complete black overall. One might not be able to see the black horse in the blind night.