Fourteenth Cura 2

Fourteenth Cura 2

Albert wiped his tears. He faced regret. The guilt that would end one day once he destroy the real culprits. It was pity that he was standing at the last part where the third line was present however it was hidden behind the shadow.

For now he was restricted under this Cura Interval because first and second path were yet to receive damage from players. The most important task was to defeat or damage the paths, well damaged paths might reduce the perks and increase the effort to cross broken line so it was preferable to defeat and safely reach third path.

It was up to the players and their methods. At the present moment, Albert could struggle to defeat Angry Nation. Albert remained on his knees and looked up with the blood red eyes. "You are clueless about my ways. I do not show my anger or bluff my mood. I am cool killer if you do not believe then try." Albert followed some strong rules in his life.