

The shield was stronger and the bullet hit its armor stand, it changed its direction and destroyed the expensive portrait. The team head of the second team glared his player. He wanted to scold or banish however the level rules didn't allow this much time.

The player got kicked out of the museum labeled as Disabled Visitor. Albert closed shield and looked at the opponent team.

The team head regretted that one player from his team got removed because of his foolishness or the smart a*s enemy. Junan heaved sigh of relief. This fourth level was scarier than the previous one. One single mistake could kick them out of the portal.

"It is time for you to retreat. You have seen your limits already." Junan spoke to remind the opponent. The opponent snarled. "I can still beat you in the hand to hand. If you have guts then come in front." The opponent gave challenge.