

Unable to decide what was happening, Ahram let one corner of the chain fall on ground. The chain absorbed the dampness from the ground. It was now bearable enough for him to keep the other corner of the chain in his hand.

However there was problem. As the chain fell on the ground, the ability took the player a dumb host of the weapon. In fact it was angry at the player.

The reason was unknown. Ahram felt killing aura from some invisible force. The ability intended to defeat the player and remain locked. The locked will be of no use for the player.

There were abilities introduced for particular weapons. These weapons were multiplayer so the restrictions were also created.

These restrictions were part of the plan in order to distinguish difference between the weapons.

It depended on the guts of the player whether he could defeat the ability and unlock it. As Ahram threw one corner of the chain on the ground, he enraged the ability.