Chapter 12

"Eve you need to tell me exactly what happened that day you guys found the lab," Ash said.

"We found the lab, it was where you thought it would be, so we decided to go around the town asking the people there if they know anything about that place. They all said the same thing, that they think it's some asylum for kids cause they will see kids strapped in those chairs with the straitjackets on. But one person told us that they swore they saw one kid had blood on them. So once we were done we stayed in a motel for the night and in the morning we decided to do a little scope of the place to see if we can see what those people saw. And then the next thing that happened...well," Eve stopped talking and looked down at her hands and Ash leaned over to comfort her.

"But I don't understand. Why would you decide to scope out the place during the day when you know you have more cover during the night," Gray said sounding annoyed.