~Go Away~

Qiao Xin walked anxiously. She went into her apartment. When she opened the door, she immediately put the box that she had been carrying on the table. Then she sat down, covering her face with her hands. She was crying again. She never thought that this day would happen. At first, she thought that she was already at the lowest point of her life by having a toxic lover. But it turns out that life can go worse and that is when her friend fired her. The company she had started from scratch. She never thought that her friend would sell himself to this lucrative business relationship. A decision that becomes a stern warning for her; nothing lasts forever in this world. Even so-called sincere friendships could be bought for a few yuan bills. It really made her heart broken. She was disappointed, of course. She's hurt, moreover. But, she couldn't possibly tell her best friend directly. But later her best friend came and begged her to come back. Qiao Xin will never lower her pride again to come begging at that company again.

Not long after, she saw the knob of the apartment door turned. Then, her lover walked into the apartment reeking of alcohol. Qiao Xin seemed to be cursing herself. After today's bad luck, why did she have to meet another?

"Qiao Xin, do you have any money? I need some money right now. I lost my bet to that bastard, and I have to get my revenge on him," asked Jia Min.

Qiao Xin stood up from her seat, and she ignored Jia Min and was about to enter the bathroom. However, he forcibly pulled her hair back and it hurt Qiao Xin so much.

"I'm talking to you, Qiao Xin! Are you deaf or pretend not to hear me!?" Jia Min yelled again.

"Which money are you asking for, Jia Min? You have taken away all of my money! Then, what else are you going to take away from me!?" she yelled back.

Jia Min could not accept being opposed. He immediately grabbed her head and pulled her body behind him until she fell flat on the floor. Moments later, he grabbed his belt and wrapped it around his hand then lashing it several times on Qiao Xin's body.

"You know what the consequences are if you don't give money to me, Qiao Xin! I will spread our video to social media until everyone finds out that you are a cheap woman!" he shouted.

She was not strong enough to withstand his harsh treatment. She tried to stand up. Her body was badly bruised by his lashes. She was fed up with all the torture, pressure, and being treated like this by her lover.

"Enough! I'm tired. You can spread that video. I don't care. I am ending this awful relationship!" At last, she managed to shout back.

But, Jia Min looked even more furious. He immediately kicked her body until she fell back down. Slap Qiao Xin and drag her hair to the bathroom. He filled the bathtub full of water, then tried to drown her.

"Are you drunk, Qiao Xin!? Get over it! You will never be able to get out of my hands!" he shouted angrily.

She tried to release his grip. She was gasping for air because he tried to drown her. Suddenly. he shoved her body so hard that her head struck the wall. Fresh blood splattered on the wall. She must try to escape so that she doesn't get killed here. She would rather take her own life than be killed by that evil.

"I've been fired from the office and I don't have a penny left. You can't take advantage of me any further, Jia Min. So stop bothering me, we don't have anything between us anymore!" her voice sounded hoarse. With all the strength she had left, she tried to get up and ran away as far as she could.

Her gaze was dark, and her head felt dazed. People who saw her condition could only look at her pitifully.

Qiao Xin then stood on the edge of the bridge, now her gaze was blank. She cried again, and could tell apart what was good or bad. All that she knew that she was broke and so done with this life. Even death was probably the best thing she could have now. Slowly, Qiao Xin climbed on the bridge, and she looked at the river, which now seemed very calm. She then closed her eyes tightly. The faces of her mother and sister flashed in front of her as if she stood before them now.

"Mother, I'm sorry. I can't be a good child to you," Qiao Xin cried. "Lulu, be a good daughter for our Mom. I'll leave her with you."

Meanwhile, Xiao Long seemed upset. After he asked to be picked up by another car, somehow it stopped in the middle of nowhere. One of the tires was deflated and the driver forgot to carry a spare tire.

"What's wrong with this day? Shouldn't this be my happy day? Damn it!" said Xiao Long while kicking his car tires.

"Young Master Han. I will go to the end of the road first to ask for help," said the driver, who immediately ran without any hesitation. No taxis or vehicles were passing by. It was a dead road.

Xiao Long paced back and forth, stuck in a dead zone with no reception signal. Then suddenly he saw a human figure standing at the end of the bridge; whoever that was, that person were about to commit suicide.

Xiao Long looked shocked, he tried to ignore said person, but it suddenly came to him that if he let it happened, he would be interrogated for a suicide case. It made him run as fast as he could toward that figure.

"Hey, are you out of your mind!? Don't do anything stupid!" he shouted. His hand almost reached the figure's body, but the figure had already jumped. His gaze was blank as if he had been pulled into the past. Then he hastily jumped into the river.