~Hate each other~

"Alright, who cares and doesn't care here? Who gains or loses, doesn't all of that matter anymore? You said that I should just tell you that I marry you because I was after your wealth and to be a member of a rich family then I'll do just that. I don't care at all. You have already seen me as a thorn in your side from the first time we met, didn't you? So, what's the deal about that? To you I am not human, I am not a woman. I am but a rotten scum that disturbs your life. However, Young Mr. Han, Let me make it clear for you that our marriage is also very beneficial for you. Because this marriage will help your grandfather live a longer and happier life. Isn't that much more valuable? It is something that all the money in this world couldn't buy. That being said, it was you who owes me a lot, isn't it? So I hope we shall fulfill our agreement to the best of our abilities, never blame and offend each other. Especially mocking me just because I'm broke. Grandpa Han's life is far more valuable than all the treasures you have," Xiao Long seemed to be struck by the fact that Qiao Xin said. Xiao Long had no idea that Qiao Xin would say that cold hard truth. It might be unpleasant to hear but it made Xiao Long realize that what Qiao Xin said made a lot of sense and was perfectly reasonable. "Oh yes, Young Mr. Han, there is one more thing I would like to tell you. I need to write in great detail the points of what we should, and should not do as a condition of mine. So excuse me."

Qiao Xin immediately walked away. Even though her legs felt weak and helpless, she kept trying to walk. In front of Xiao Long, she must not appear weak, she must not appear pitiful, and she must not appear to be crying. Qiao Xin had to be the most challenging, nonchalant, and most logical person. So that she could protect herself, as well as her pride, from this evil named Xiao Long. Yes, to Qiao Xin, Xiao Long was like the most despised and hated man in the world. Of course, after her hatred for her ex-lover.

After a long conversation, Qiao Xin finally returned to Xiao Chuan's inpatient room. Qiao Xin wants to meet Xiao Chuan to let him know of her decision to agree to this matchmaking. An arranged marriage might ruin her life, but at least it would save someone's life. Qiao Xin would not care if her future had to be ruined. Because in reality, her lot has long been wasted with her ex-lover.

Moreover, at least Qiao Xin could help two people. The first is Xiao Chuan for his slump in wanting his grandson to marry, and the second is her family. Qiao Xin plans to use the money for her family. She sends her to the village and tells her sister to take her property deed and pay off all her family's debts. Qiao Xin didn't care anymore, even though she got the money by selling herself though. As long as she earns money, as long as the debt collector would stay away from her family, she would always move forward. Because she was the eldest child, she must replace her father's role as the breadwinner of her family and provide for all her family needs. Qiao Xin always kept that in her mind whenever she felt depressed and thought this world was unfair to her.

"Grandpa Han," Qiao Xin greeted. She walked over to Xiao Chuan after she entered the room. Fortunately, the nurse said Xiao Chuan was awake, and Xiao Chuan was looking for his grandson. That was why Qiao Xin had ventured in. Moreover, what Qiao Xin knew, Xiao Chuan looked alone. Whereas earlier it was clear, there was a husband and wife, which Qiao Xin guessed were Xiao Long's parents were here as well. "How are you, Grandpa Han? Are you feeling well?" Qiao Xin asked.

Receiving a sweet and warm greeting from Qiao Xin, Xiao Chuan smiled. Then he told Qiao Xin to sit beside him.

"Miss Liu, come here and have a seat. I'm really really lonely right now," Xiao Chuan replied. Qiao Xin also looked down. She tightly gripped Xiao Chuan's hand, then she kissed it and cried silently. Xiao Chuan realized that she was crying and immediately stroked Qiao Xin's shoulder, trying to calm Qiao Xin so that the young woman wouldn't cry anymore. "Miss Liu, is something wrong? Calm down, and wipe away your tears. Tell me everything just like you used to do. I will always listen to your problems thoughtfully."

"Will Grandpa Han really listen to my story?" Qiao Xin asked in the end. Xiao Chuan nodded his head.

"Sure, I will listen to whatever your problem is. Now tell me."

Qiao Xin seemed to be silent for a moment, and then she took a deep breath. Qiao Xin couldn't possibly tell her anxiety about Xiao Chuan. Because she thought it was inappropriate, and Qiao Xin didn't want to make things worse for Xiao Chuan.

"The past few days, I've been really in a bad state, Grandpa. I don't know what happened to me, it's just that I feel that the whole sky has fallen on my shoulders for real." Qiao Xin lowered her face again, and then she seemed to wipe her tears violently. "I have been fired from the company I started with my best friend, Grandpa. It's true that I'm not the owner of the company, I'm not the director or anything like that. I don't own any stock there either. But for me, the company is my life. I saw the company grow from a small company to a very large company. But in fact, everything immediately changed just because of a very trivial thing, an ambition that even made a friend forget, a friend who accompanied him from the very bottom, a friend who embraced him and continued to fight together with him. Because all he knew now was, being able to work with someone who made his company grow even further was his main goal now. Even though he had to kick me out of the company. Doesn't Grandpa Han think that he was throwing his friend under the bus?"