Sick In Love {3}

Xiao Long couldn't help but stare at Qiao Xin, perfectly leaving her workplace. Meanwhile, Mei, running after Qiao Xin, was immediately chased by Xuan Cheng, making Xiao Long even more annoyed. His hands clenched into fists, and he didn't expect all of this to happen. How could he be perfectly defeated by Xuan Cheng when he was his rightful husband.

His hands were clenched into fists, and his jaw was hardened. He was looking at him with a highly annoyed look on his face. Meanwhile, Li Xuan, confused by all the tension, looked at his friend, who seemed very vexed.

"Xiao Long, what happened? why are all the employees here putting on their disheveled looks? are you scolding them?" Li Xuan asked with that innocent look on his face. However, Xiao Long didn't answer, and he just shook Li Xuan's hand violently. Then he rushed out of Li Xuan's division room, entered his room while slamming the door perfectly.

"Damn it!" Xiao Long snapped.