Camping {3}

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, they walked up. They were looking for the perfect place for them to get the view they wanted. Xiao Long occasionally glanced at Qiao Xin, and he wanted to make sure that his wife was safe. Yes, Xiao Long didn't wish Qiao Xin to feel tired.

"If you can't tell, we can rest here for a while," Xiao Long said in a whisper. He deliberately stepped slowly to be on par with Qiao Xin, as well as Mei. And during that time, Mei couldn't help but smile. How could she not, as if she was the third person between Qiao Xin and Xiao Long's relationship.

"Shut up, Xiao Long. I've climbed to the top of the mountain many times, so you don't have to worry about me. I'm sure, instead of worrying about me, you're better off worrying about yourself. Soon I'm sure you will feel tired," Qiao Xin quipped.