Camping {11}

"Qiao Xin you are awake?" asked Xuan Cheng. He rushed to Qiao Xin, carried Qiao Xin, and sat down so she could join them.

Qiao Xin, who had just left the tent, couldn't help but stare at Xuan Cheng's exaggerated expression. She then looked at Xiao Long, who seemed unconcerned with all that was happening. Xiao Long was annoyed, of course. But he didn't want to show it to Qiao Xin, not even Xuan Cheng, because Xiao Long felt that fighting with Xuan Cheng was not a good thing at all.

"How are you? Mei said you have a fever, is it cured?" Xuan Cheng asked again.

Qiao Xin gave a faint smile, then she nodded. Being treated like this by Xuan Cheng made her uncomfortable.

"Yes, I'm much better brother Cheng, thank you," replied Qiao Xin later. She was immediately taken aback when Xuan Cheng took her leg for inspection, something that made Xiao Long even more annoyed.