I know this is kind of sudden, but, please, it will only take a moment. I want your honest opinion.
What is the term 'equitable' means? Does this Equitable really exist in this society?
From what I have learn't from the past 8 years, Equitable means treating every individual equally right? People say Equitable exists in this world and everyone is considered one. But according to me Equitable does not exist in this society.
Why you ask? Long ago, in a bygone era, a great man once said that everyone is equal when they are born. So I ask, why do we see difference in positions and status of a person?
No matter wherever or whichever schools and colleges I go, I will find Discrimination in every class and section. Discrimination is based on intelligence and talents possessed by an individual student.
So let me explain a bit clear. Let's take an example of myself; I am not a smart studious boy but an average boy who gets average passing marks in a test. I receive criticism from both teachers and higher level students.
Whereas my childhood friend Harsha who is the topper of class, and always tops in class with flying colours receives a different treatment from both the teachers and students.
He is considered as a best student who excels in both the terms of academics and sports, polar opposite of me. He is considered as king in my class by my classmates.
Leaving him aside, I personally don't care about him. After all I am considered as a Defective human by Harsha. But then there is my best friend Aaron, who is second in class after Harsha, both in terms of intelligence and athletics in my class.
Aaron is my true friend who always helps me out in every situation. He does not consider me as a defective that is useless, but more like a friend. He even hangs out with me too without caring about others comments.
This is the plus point of being friends with Aaron. The negative points are both the teachers and Aaron's friends hate me very much.
His friends always taunt me wherever i am passing by saying something like "Is Aaron stupid to hang with this loser right?" "Yeah! Why would Aaron want to hang out with him? Unless he is blackmailing Aaron!" "What does Aaron see in that loser Tsukasa that he hangs out with him than us? He is not even from our country also"While the teachers always warns me that to stay away from Aaron or else I will spoil Aaron.
But still he likes to hang out with me the most rather than his friends. He doesn't even care about those comments or the suggestions from the teachers.
But sadly I have to ignore Aaron in school due to the glaring and threats, I receive from my classmates. And due to this my classmates started to bully me after class, despite me trying to ignore Aaron.
My life really sucks! I am angry on myself for being this useless who can't even have the courage to talk to his best friend, when everyone is glaring and threatening me. I am neither Intelligent nor Strong.
I just wish I had the power to change my fate. I just wish I could become Stronger and Smarter, So that I can prove to my classmates that i am worthy to be friends with both Harsha and Aaron!