"So why did you do it? For fun?..."
Carmi quickly turned around, grabbed Yuki by the collar and stared into his eyes.
"... or does the killing of a player provide a reward?" Carmi asked.
Yuki didn't know what to say, he had been taken by surprise. However, Yuki knew how to keep his composure. After all for many years he had dealt with a tyrannical mother as well as the experience of getting bullied. Even though he hated every second of those times, he was grateful for them as he had learned how to deal with situations like this.
"Isn't that too serious of a question to ask a 15 year old? Especially one that has only recently exited a trauma inducing dungeon," Yuki replied.
Carmi let go of Yuki and continued to guide him towards the kingdom.
"I guess that's fair, you'll have plenty of time to gather your thoughts until we return to the kingdom," said Carmi.