
[Open inventory]

Yuki made Meurig return to the crown and placed the crown back into his inventory. Once he had done that, Yuki pulled out "Niflheim's holy treasure".

"I guess I have some free time now so I guess I'll practice my concentration," said Yuki.

Yuki began to take deep breaths slowly. He calmed himself and began inserting stamina into his blade. Yuki could slowly feel his sword getting colder. This continued for a few seconds until shards began growing from the sword. While they weren't large, Yuki was still impressed by them.

"How did this happen? It's not like I have increased in level since the last time I tried to use its powers, unless..." said Yuki before passing out from the exhaustion from using up too much of his stamina at once.

*Knock Knock*

Camri was at the cell door for Yuki.

"Please put your weapon away before I am forced to call for reinforcements," Camri said.

"My bad," Yuki said as he cleared his eyes.

[Open inventory]