A thorn

Olivia stood in the king's chamber frozen, her eyes were filled with disbelief for everything that had just happened. The idea of the prince leaving her has never once crossed her mind.

She has always been confident that no matter what she did the prince will always care for her the same he always had. She had known the prince had a soft spot for anyone who was kind to him and as long as she kept being good to him he would stay with her forever.

It shocked her when she received permission to leave him and end their marriage for good. All her dreams were just around the corner and she could see them all coming true if she took a few steps forward.

She just needed a few days to achieve everything and become the true Queen of Arimelari.

She looked at the queen sleeping peacefully and became angrier, she could only imagine her face when she bragged about winning and her loss, and that in itself set her off.