The prediction

The day began with the king and queen of Arimelari holding a meeting with the subjects of the kingdom. During this, the king had announced the queen's pregnancy to the people and they congratulated him.

Alexander announced a four days feast to celebrate the good news. They returned to the palace and were now having lunch with the rest of the royal family.

"The seer will come by later. I want him to tell us what future the heir has and whether or not he will be affected by the curse or not," the queen informed everyone at the dining table.

"Yes mother, we will be sure to be present for it," Mordecai said.

"I too will come," Alexander told.

"What about you Francis?" Alex asked looking at him. "Hmm," Francis said looking up from his plate. He was lost in thought thinking about the events of the previous night that left him on a silent treatment to the king.