The truth

Ander spent the evening by the lake, his heart and mind were unsettled with troubling thoughts. His body was numb from all the crying that he had been doing and he couldn't help it. It was difficult for him to wrap his head around being rejected twice by those he cared for.

One thing was certain his body couldn't handle any more heartbreaks. He laid on the ground with his eyes closed and his hands wrapped around his legs that were on his chest. He could hear footsteps approaching him but he couldn't move to check who it was from the loss of energy and will to do so.

He felt warm hands wrap themselves around him and lift him off the ground. The person who carried him took slow steps away from the lake being careful not to hurt him. The gentle way in which the person carried him made his cold heart warm. But the warm feeling only lasted for a minute until his mind told him that the care was fake just like the life of those around him.