The dragon king is no more

Francis felt his body was on fire after Ander passed out. He was burning from the inside, he set the prince down on the bed. He clutched his neck from the pain. It was an unbearable pain that was forming from his neck to down below. He gritted his teeth heaving for breath as his chest moved up and down.

Alex left Ander's hand and ran across the bed to hold his beloved, before he laid his hands on his beloved, his throat tightened and he fell to the ground. It felt as though someone was ripping his soul out of his body. His dragon came awake and he was losing control, it was as though something was fighting him.

The family froze seeing the sight before their eyes. Confusion and fear ran down their bodies, unable to understand what was happening the only thing that they could do is to pick Francis and Alex and lay them on the bed. The royal physician was summoned into the room to examine the two of them.