Ander's dragon mark

Annak made her way into the hall, she was lost and confused and mostly sad for the loss of the prince. She took her seat next to Sofia and Malcolm not sure why the man boldly embraced the Queen in public like that but was just glad she had someone to comfort her.

Only the sounds of the cries could be in the room apart from that all else was quiet. The wake was to last till morning before the prince would be put to his final resting place.

Alexander stared at the lifeless body of his sons with no words to explain how he felt. He was a bad father, that he could attest to and his son died hating him. He couldn't bring himself to accept that he was gone forever, he never got the chance to make it with him.

He felt guilty for Ander's death. He blamed himself for his death, he found that Ander's death was more painful for him than when he had lost Francis. He had no idea why that is so when they weren't even that close.

"Forgive me," he whispered.