Marked for death

"I want to jump off the roof. I want to jump off the roof," Sofia chanted over and over again repeatedly. She was on top of the roof of the school, she stood at the edge of the roof determined to jump.

With one quick movement she jumped, her screams were heard as she fell. Luckily for her, some witches went out for a walk and saw her falling. They stopped her from falling. She fainted out of shock when she finally came to her senses.

They carried her and took her inside the school. Ella rushed to call Avan after she learned of the news and Amaru tagged along with them. They sat around Sofia worried and concerned for her. They were taking Ander's death badly but she must have it worse with how much she loved the boy.

Annak helped Sofia to regain her senses with the help of a little magic. The whole family had a word or two to say to the suicidal woman.

"What we're thinking trying to kill yourself?" Malia let out angrily.