We found Ander

Ander frowned.

Everyone was staring at him in shock. It felt like in the few hours that he had taken a nap, he had missed something big. He waited for one of them to speak up and say something but no word came his way.

'Way to ruin my sleep for no reason,' he complained in his mind.

Seeing as they were staring at him without a word he decided it best to leave. He turned around and took a few steps before he felt warm hands wrap around his waist. The act of intimacy annoyed him beyond words.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked removing the hands from his body.

"My son," the woman cried causing him to back away from her. "Don't run away from me. I am your mother, Olivia," she added.

Her statement caused him to halt. He gazed at her, the woman who gave birth to him with confusion in his eyes. How could it be possible that she was still alive?

As he was dazed Olivia ceased the chance and hugged him. She held him tightly in her arms.