I only love you

Ander sat up on the bed feeling a massive headache coming along. He held his head confused by the weird environment he was in.

He looked around the room and froze seeing a man on the bed with him. The man laid on his stomach so it is a little difficult to make out his face.

He held his breath and tried to get up without waking the man, he needed to get home. Stepping down from the bed, his legs gave out and he dropped to the floor. The sound from his fall woke the man. He started moving around on the bed.

Ander closed his eyes afraid to face the man. "Ander," a deep voice sounded from the bed. "What are you doing?"

He slowly opened his eyes, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Francis on the bed with no shirt on. His muscular and perfectly shaped abs were visible for him to see.