A life for a life

The dragon king was seated in his throne room. The palace was filled with a lot of cries from everywhere around.

"Never pictured you for a cold heartless dragon."

"Things we don't picture have a way of reaching our realities Amaru," Ander replied coldly.

Footsteps could be heard rushing into the room. The two of them silently waited, the door was pushed open.

Francis rushed into the room, he was fuming mad at Ander. Standing before the male he glared at him, his eyes were sharp and piercing.

"What do you think of yourself?" he asked angrily.

"I think that I am handsome and have no idea what you see in my father," he told uncaringly.

"You can't attack Arimelari without talking to me about it and how could you say that I'm a slave?" he questioned. "And you Amaru, you are supposed to be on my side. Or is it that you've lost interest in your belongings?"