A new crush (part three)

The servants brought the order that Royan had made. Ander dug into the food hungrily. The food just like everything else in this place tasted amazing.

"Mmh," he moaned with his eyes closed as he munched on the pancakes. It was so delicious that he found himself licking his hands when he was done. 

Royan reached out to pick one of the pancakes from the plate and withdrew his hand when Ander slapped it. Having been raised as a prince all his life and being an only child, he never learned to share. 

He glared at Royan and went back to eating the rest of the pancakes. He drank his and Royan's cold coffee without feeling bad for it. 

"Are you good now?" Royan asked pleased. He had never seen anyone eat so many pancakes so fast. He was a guest and yet he acted like he owned the place.

"Ca..can I have so..some more..more please?"