The Amak

"You talk tall but you are nothing but a coward," Ander said to him. Royan smiled to him.

"You have no idea what you are talking about," Royan said. A strong wind blew into the room from his wardrobe. He frowned a lot from the wind. "The two of you stay here," he ordered coldly and moved from the bed.

The wardrobe was shaking with strong wind pushing to get out of the wardrobe. Royan reached for his sword and pushed the door open. "Name," he yelled into the wardrobe.

"Amak," a deep manly voice informed through the wind. 

"I hate such creatures," he mumbled and rushed out of the room. Ander and Avan cut short their excitement and followed him after getting dressed. They were scared by his weird reaction and wanted to find out the mysteries of the talking wardrobe. 

Royan exited the house and raised his sword in the sky. A blue light flew from the sword to the sky. It landed in the private property behind the compound.