Make you pay

Ander sneaked back to the house making sure not to alert the imposter and his mother. He had come up with a plan of stealing his pieces back from Olivia so as to have only the imposter to deal with.

He had to wait until everyone was asleep in order to put his plans into action. He was certain that his plan would work since he had the element of surprise. The old men were to look for Royan in the meantime so that they don't lose him during the war.

When the time had come that everyone retired to their rooms to sleep, he walked out of his room. With a spell on his legs, he made no sound as he moved just as he wanted.

He tracked to his mother's room and walked through the door to enter the room. He wasn't going to risk opening the door and alerting Olivia of his entry. He just couldn't feel proud of his plan when he had gotten in successfully.

Something felt amiss to him. He got to the bed and found that it was empty. Olivia wasn't in the bed or in the room.