The bureau of supernatural things

Royan gave him his kind smile, he had already known that he and Ander were fated but he didn't know that Francis was the reason they never met. He wasn't mad at him.

He had a policy that he lived by, as long as a person realized their mistake and apologised then they deserved to be forgiven.

"You are forgiven," he said to him.

His reply shocked both Ander and Francis. They didn't expect him to be so forgiving, if it was either of them in his position. They would have gone for revenge than to forgive him.

"Don't be surprised, this is how I live my life. I forgive those who are sorry and get even with those who don't repent," he said getting up from the ground.

He walked a few feet from Francis and spoke, "I can't see you but I know you are here Ander," he spoke up. "Forgiving Francis is not easy for you and I know that you probably want to get even with him," he added.

'You got that right,' Ander thought bitterly.