Being purified

Ander and Francis followed Royan who followed behind Zazel. They all ended up in a big hall freezing cold, the hall was made of ice.

Ice sculptures of dragons were everywhere in the room. It didn't come as a surprise to them, the woman and her son were both icy. Not to mention that his body was shivering from the cold that was generating from his body.

He had to admit that it wouldn't be a bad thing if he were to have his sculpture in the hall. He was amazed by the person who had made the sculptures. He/she had great talent.

"Where is my apology," Razaan demanded to Zazel. The woman rolled her eyes to him and sat at the tea table by the window.

"Royan, dont you feel that she should apologise to me?" Razaan asked to her.

Royan nodded his head to him, "Zazi, just apologise to him. He won't let this go so easily," Royan told to her.

"Why should I? Is it my fault that he has a twin brother?" Zazel asked.