The answers

Zazel with everyone took their places around the pool. They sat in raised seats that they had a clear view of the water 

  Francis sat beside Ander, he had been purified, he felt free. Like a feather that was light and could float to wherever he wanted. 

He couldn't describe in words how he felt. It was like he was wrapped in a warm soft blanket of love and peace. He had no stress at all and all the anger and frustrations that he was feeling was all gone. 

He wanted the same for the rest of the family. Having them be freed from that held them down would make him happy.

The seers had arrived. They were three, their bodies was blue in colour like the colour of the petals in the water. They were patterns on their body from their heads to necks and hands. 

Other parts were covered with clothes so it wasn't certain if the marks were underneath the clothes too. The marks were in shape of leaves and flower petals. 

"Begin," Zazel demanded.