The war

Ander expressed his views of the king of Azadia not knowing that the man in question was listening to his every word.

"A king like him should be dethroned," the male stated. "He cares only about himself and doesn't deserve to be a king," he added.

He was really regretful of the fact that he had gotten Royan in trouble with the king for speaking his mind.

"Before you comment on that I will have you know that I already know what I want for my future," He told.

Royan set down his coat on his seat to hear what the dragon had to say. "What would that be?"

"I want to be a normal person. Not a dragon, not a prince just normal," Ander replied.

He didn't have to think much of it as it was how he felt. Magic was always the cause of his problems and now he wanted to rid himself of magic. He is a dragon but that doesn't mean that he had to be tied down because of it.