
People says that if one person meets a person in any situation three times a row back to back then they are destined to meet in this life time be for good or bad .

They were destined to meet . As destiny brings people to meet each other and into each other's lives also .

As it can be for any reason or any way as destiny has been written it down by the God and it would happened by hook or crook .

Well the destiny can brings two person with opposite character together . Which many thinks that they are not suitable only God knows which are suitable or not .

And this is is the same with opposite gender be it male or female . The relationship between them can be anything such as friends , besties , girlfriend or boyfriend , lover or husband or wife or an ex or any thing else .

So , we never knew what is in our destiny . Our destiny is in the hand of God . So , our destiny would be like the way God wants .

Then what we can say about this incident . If one person dream about a thing in his dream back to back three times a row ?

" Is this also destiny or what ? If it is ? Then be it something is about to happened for sure so destiny is giving the person hint so that she or he can be prepared for what of in the dream is about to happen with him or her ? "

" Mother , mother , we are hungry . "

In the apartment of Qin Hera , she suddenly jerk out of her sleep and opened her eyes in shock and fear . Her eyes fell on the bed sheets that she is holding in her fist tightly and she was still in dazed state for some time .

After a while she come out of her dazed state and sighed frankly .

Then she grabbed the phone beside the bedside table that she has put before going to sleep and checked what time it is .

It was only half past 5 am in the morning , also it was May in the lunar calendar .

And from the bed room window it can be seen that at this time the sky outside the window is getting bright and brighter with each passing time with the sunlight and the sun is getting high in the sky .

From the rising sun it is indicating that it is going to be a sunny and hot day .

After looking at the sky as if looking for some thing or thinking about something deep and as if she is in her deep thoughts for some time by looking a the sky though her bedroom window with many thinking in her mind Qin He put down her phone silently at the bedside table where it was .

And with that she was still lost in her own world for some time and then a wonderful think happened .

Without her moving or moving her hands or herself out of nowwhere a cup of water come in her hand .

Qin Hera looked at the cup in her hands . It is a cup of hot water . The water is still steaming as steam is coming from it . It is not too hot or too cold it is just in the right temperature as if it poured out from a thermal flask .

But it is not . As if it comes out of nowhere in Qin Hera's hands . Qin Hera is still obsserving the cup of water which is just like when she put it in last night .

But the biggest fact in this whole thing is that where did Qin Hera put it on ?

After done with her thinking , just looking at Qin Hera with that the looks in her eyes as if it was looking like she has come into some conclusion and she no longer is in any kind of dilemma .

With that she put the cup of water in the bedside table and with her pajamas got out of the bed very quickly to wash up . After that she combed her hair in front of the dressing table .

Then Qin Hera got up from the dressing table and go to the washroom to brushed her teeth and washed her face .

When she was washing her face then she saw dark circles under her eyes in the mirror , Qin Hera shook her head again and sighed .