
So , when all of the work in her hand will be done with then she will do a thing and that is she will let all know all of the work that is in her hand done and then she will submit all of this works and papers in her hand to her uncle .

Now she has to see all of the project works that she is doing right now and see which are done and in the final process of hand overing .

And also she has to see on which project that are started on right now and going on and which part of works are done and which part are not .

In this way the projects that are done by her doesn't have to be worked by the other person the one who will take over her work in absence of her .

Than also the works of the projects that have started on if the new handovered person know that how match works are done and the others that are not done then she can handle the work as soon as possible and the work process will be on as per time as she was present .

This way it would not make the company works or projects lack behind with out her and the company wouldn't have any losses or damarage .

This way the company partners will not have too much objections by whom the projects are done with .

As many of their trusted and big working partners of the company wants her Qin Hera to do the projects in her supervision .

If l done this much of the works then other works can be done by the sub ordinate that is going to take over the work in her absence .

Now her biggest priority are to complete all of those project presentations that she has thought for the company's next five to ten years progress .

She has to complete them so throughly and detailed way that anyone can do them with the one who has some basic knowledge , experience , skills and practice can present them and do the project works .

As though as one can in the company monthly or annual presentation so that the company can develop as the speed it is right now or it will impact the progress of the company all over development , progress and performance .

For this she has to do a chart plus progress report also review reports and also a demo report with examples of projects that aresimilar to the projects that are they are thinking .

As similar projects though the world included reports will help then a lot as this way they will have a direction of how to do it so that it will help them to do them perfectly and give pointers that in which way they can do them better from those similar projects .

Also than she has to do a draft chart of which of the project or tenders either bidding or anything of the company that they had to do first or those that they had to do later or they are not interest at all .

So , that it will be helpful to the company . Plus also a chart of those things that the company can not do it or else it well impact the companies reputation and the company partners and people's trust for the company .

Even she has got known that some of the worker and people of the company has become spy of few of their rival companies .

For this she had to make list of those people with their name and what deeds they have done in the company with evidences so that they can't say that they didn't do it .

Than kick out those whom name are in the list so that her uncle can kick them out those spies out of the company .

With this spies there are also some of the directors and shareholders are eyeing the company for their own interest and they also done some wrong doing which are enough to kick them out of the company and spend their life time in the police station criminal cells .

And she has the proves of all their wrong doings .

This way the company will be safe from those harmful people who wants to harm the company and the people she loves and adore .

Plus it will be a warning to those people and workers that even have a sight less bad thoughts for the company .

Even if they want to do something to the company or in the company they will remember what will or can happened with them if they tried to do something in the company .

And also by seeing what is going to happened with those stupid spies , directors and for their greed and stupidity .