
This seventeen percent shares in her hand are very much valuable at the corporation world market right now . Because of what Q&H International Corporation are at right now in the Corporation business industries .

As Q&H International Corporation is China's one of the largest corporation at the moment and farther it is also one of the top ten best corporation of the country .

It is also a International Corporation . Such a Corporation has branches whole over the world . Also it has a place in world top fifty top International Corporation list .

And it is also a renowned company in world top hundred powerful companies in all sorts of companies base where thousands of companies are competing for a position in the top hundred .

Where Q&H International Corporation from thousand position to today's eighty position for the last few years it is in the top hundred positions and progressing towards top fifty position .

Such a company has great achievements , reputation and fame in corporation world so because of this it also has excellence values in the market .

So , such company shares values are sky rocketing high at the present market value . Then such Corporations branches are whole over the world also has some rules how it works on those branches .

And this type of corporation has every country branch base shares . Then in this way every country corporation branches have it own shares . So , this Q&H International Corporation kind of reputational company shares are very much popular in every country business market .

Each country base shares are already very much popular and sky high price costly . But still many business partners , businesses men and companies still want this shares for themselves .

As in this way they can expend their business's network or connections or social networking and so on .

This is only the corporation country based shares only has such want and value .

Then what about the want of it's International shares in the Corporation world .

Many big corporations wants such a big corporation international shares the most then those countries based share .

Because they are more valuable than those country base shares and these shares have value then those countries bases shares .

Plus this International shares have over all impect in any country branches shares or taking any kind of decisions for the company or effects in the company .

And many more reasons . Such as - for making partners with such company or having powerful alliance with such company or many more companies that are associated with it or to dominate them by staying in the board of directors in company main head quarter or either to create problems for the company by stay in the company board if they are rivals .

So , this seventeen percent shares are as much valuable they are . Or very much dangerous also because of they are used .

If they are in the hand of some one that has the the best intention for the company then it will be best for the company as that person will not create difficulty for the company and if the company runs well and earn good yearly revenue then it is also good for the person who held those shares .

But if they are in the hand of some one that has enemy with the company or in the rival companies hand then they will create problems for the company and also will try to create problems in company many projects and so on .

If she is going to transmitted to another place or time then this shares that are in her hand would not have any value for her at that time .

As at that time she will not be here so for sure she will be dead at this present time and place .

Then this shares at that time if she transmitted in another time would not be of any use or value for her .

But at present time this shares have value if she sales this shares at present market value . As this shares has a sky high rocket price value at the corporation world .

So , such a valuable shares if she sales them with it with current price value then she would at least get few billions of RMB or which is also known as yuan .