
At that time ,

All of her family members because of the decision of her all her cousins , uncle and aunt wanted to know why she has took such a drastic step .

Because they don't understand why she has to do this if she is not angry with any of their decisions or thoughts .

As for them all five of them are same be it her or her cousins .

And that's why they have decided that the best out of all of them will be the heir of the company .

Then why suddenly she is saying that she wants to be out of the selection of future heir .

What's the reason of her taking such a decision all of sudden that they wants to know about the reasoning about it ?

That because of which thinking basic she , Qin Hera has taken such a drastic step . And because of what makes her do it ?

They all have to know about it and any cost or she has to change her decision .

With that they tried to pressuries me to change my decision in many ways by convincing me , trying by making understand be or by threatening me plus emotionally blackmailing me to do it .

But me being me they couldn't do that on me even trying so many methods that my uncle and aunt got angry on me a lot that for some time they stopped talking with me because of this .

Still I stick to my decision decision despite their cold shoulder to me .

Along with that I proposed that I will make a legal statement or will on which it will be stated that I , Qin Hera here by declaring that in the near future I will not be taking any part in the Q&H international Corporation company's future heir selection criteria in any way .

I may be part of the Q&H International Corporation as a company worker plus shareholder or director but other than that I would not be in the criteria of future heir position selection at any cost .

Their by in this I will not be suitable for the company future CEO'S position even if others want me to but I don't want to be the company CEO .

Not only that but in that will their will be an other clause that in the near future after my death even my children will not be able to take part in the company future heir selection .

They can only be company worker , shareholder or director at most and then then that they cannot be no .

Let alone be the company heir in the future after her or her cousins death . Not at all because she doesn't want her children's or grandchildren to be the heir of the company at all .

After hearing this even her cousins got angry of her .

As from their perspective of view how can I take decisions of my children's or grandchildren future just because I want to .

It's not my future choice or decision so how can I make decisions in replace of her children's place .

So , she has no saying in this . She can make or take decisions for her self but not for others said her uncle .

And because of this her uncle got lost his anger and asked her that she has to say him why she has taken this decision it self right now ?

Or it is not going to be the end of this matter at all .

She wanted her aunt to pacify her uncle so that he wouldn't be too much angry but she didn't help me at this case as she all ways do .

Even she was in the side of her uncle in this matter prospect .

As for this case I must give them a answer at any cost .

For this I did give them my answer and it was .

At for that time being ,

What I , Qin Hera said that time was ,

That I want a very simple life and lifestyle . I don't what that upper class life style or that so much complicated life .

I don't want to handle those upper class people's as they are to much annoying for her to handle .

Those upper class or high society people all want is profits and benefits .