At that time ,

And with that I said that it is final for all in all that she is going to make a will with the condition that she is not going to be the heir of the Corporation and the same goes for her children and grandchildren and so on until the Q&H International Corporation exists and that it for all in once of all time .

But their is special circumstances such as their is no one to take care of the company because of special circumstances then they will help the family members to take care of the company as substitute for the heir position until the next heir can take over the company and handle it for that period of time .

If that substitute did anything wrong or damage to the company than he has to compensate the company . Also if the company wants then he or she can be punished by the law .

Plus why she always says that the upper class is not her cup of tea and her wanting to pursing a simple life also has many reasons behind it .

It also included reasons such as her marriage or better half or lover , fiance , relationship and so on .

Yes , it really does include in the list and the reason behind is that her uncle and aunt doesn't not have any daughter and only four sons which are her cousin brother's .

Moreover her uncle and aunt has always treated her as like their own daughter .

For them her brother's and she is no different from each other and all of them are equal .

Because of this many of the upper class people had made many ideas and thoughts about the regard of her relationship or marriage . She is like a fatty piece of meat for them .

At first this people didn't have any regard about this matter .

With time they had intentions this regard as with time she was exposed to the upper class .

After all her brother's and she has not been the Beijing from birth they were brought an up by their grandparents in the south since their birth .

From the moment they were born and can be wean and have little blurred memories they remember that they were brought an up by their grandparents .

Their grandparents used to live in the south . But grandfather didn't belongs from south . Their grandfather belongs from Xiqing . So , they were brought an up at their .

As at that time her uncle's company has just been established at that time and her aunt was with her uncle to support him mentally and physically . After all it was a hard work and time for them .

Plus at that time her uncle and aunt did have the time to brought them up at all or take care of them as they were working very hard to make this at the present it is .

They used to come to Beijing in their vacations to spend time with her uncle and aunt with their grandparents when they were not busy or her uncle and aunt has some time to spend with them .

And again they have to think about their grandparents health also as they are a lot old and have health issues

Besides from South to Beijing is a long journey please their grandparents were old .

So , they were in their grandparents care until their grandparents died .

When her grandparents were ill and their treatment couldn't be continued in the south they were sent to Beijing for farther and better treatment . This way they will get better quickly and soon .

At that time they were still in the south still continuing our studies from their house at south .

That time we made a decision that one of us would be with our grandparents at here at Beijing to take care of them and the others will stay at the home at south and continue with their studies .

Because her uncle and aunt are busy with work and they can't always stay with their grandparents . At most they can spend their night and morning with grandparents .

Further their grandparents didn't like to stay with strangers . So , in this way with hired nanny her grandparent would be uncomfortable .

With that we made a schedule that every week one off us brother's or sister will come to the Beijing to stay with their grandparent and take care of them along with our studies . This way we can be filial to their grandparents plus wouldn't lag behind a lot in their studies on the missing of one week in be it school or college .

Each and every week we brother's and sister will change our position as schedule was made .