Need To Faint

Ignoring the man next to her, Flaris turned her back to him muttering, "You need to faint. This would be the best time to lose consciousness Flaris. Then you will be back in that airplane, trying to save yourself from being killed by that uncle."

Prince Wu Long Ivruss stared at the woman whom the fates had decreed his bride and smiled a bit when he heard her mutter. However the smile instantly vanished when he heard her say that someone had been trying to kill her..

In a dark voice, dripping with danger, he asked, "Someone tried to kill you?"

Hearing his voice, Flaris jumped around in shock and glared at him," You can read thoughts? No no no.. This is some sort of a prank, right? Like the Fool on Camera thing? Let me check..It might feel a little icky but I promise I am only doing this so that I can make sure. Sorry in advance.."

Unexpected, he watched as the girl spit into her hand and then rubbing the saliva between her finger tips, she tried to smear it on his face. Moving away from the finger full of germs, no one had ever tried to do something so gross to him, he frowned as he asked," What are you doing? Is this some sort of a weird custom on Earth?"

"What custom? I am trying to take off your make up! The television shows have really gotten so realistic these days. I can still think and handle the make up but how did they manage to even put up a second moon in the sky.. Look, can you please come down a bit, I swear this wont hurt..."

Extending his hand, Prince Wu Long held out a handkerchief to Flaris and said, "Miss Flaris, Please come inside and you can know that this is no prank. I will even let you rub my face with water to assure you.. "

There was a hint of compulsion and seductiveness in the tone that made Flaris want to heed to him but as she snatched his soft handkerchief and wiped her hands, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She looked at him and using this chance, jumped up throwing her hands around his neck and rubbed the handkerchief over his cheek.

Prince Wu Long had never in his eight thousand years been subjected to such treatment. In shock, he threw around an arm to catch his mate and support her while tried to not wince as she almost scrubbed his skin raw.

Frowning a bit when the make up did not come off, Flaris took off her arms from around his neck but unexpectedly her feet did not land on the ground. At this moment, she realized that she had once again been too impulsive.. Smiling a bit awkwardly, she said, "Ugh.. I am sorry? I thought that this shimmer was all make up.. I hope you don't mind.."

With an expressionless face, the man held her and said, "You should have asked that before you jumped on me. Miss Flaris? Are you sure you are from Earth? You wanted to lose consciousness earlier which would have been a normal reaction from an Earthling. Now can we please go inside so that we can discuss your misbehavior and assault on me?"

As Prince Wu Long placed her back on the ground and turned towards the threshold of the house, Flaris made a face. The man even scolded her like the old principal from the orphanage! And what was with this earthling? She did not believe for a single moment that this was not Earth. Muttering under her breath that he should be grateful that a pretty girl like him had jumped an old man like him, Flaris walked behind the man.

Even if this place was Earth, something was weird about here. And she needed to solve the mystery of the two moons. As for his shiny skin, maybe it was some sort of a weird sickness. Flaris failed to notice that the man had stopped and rammed into his solid back before bouncing backwards and almost falling...

Catching hold of her wrist, Prince Wu Long helped her straighten up and said with patience," Miss Flaris, please come in.." extending his hand towards his house. Flaris nodded and was pretty sure that with the way she kept holding his hand, she would soon get used to holding it..

But just as she was about to step inside, another thought struck her imagination and she immediately scampered back, "Tell me? Can I leave this house if I want to?" Normally Flaris would not have asked such a dumb question. Naturally, if he was going to kidnap her and place her in this house, he would lie to her. But she somehow trusted this guy.. On the other hand, she was in an unfamiliar situation and the novels she used to read had all sorts of magical situations where the female lead could enter the magical house off her own accord but could not get out without the owner's wish..

Prince Wu Long stared at his mate, unsure of what was going on in her head. He had long waited for a mate and now that he finally had met her, he realized that he was unable to understand her? Why would she want to leave the house? But seeing her narrowed eyes, he was sure that if he asked her this, his little mate would run straight into the forest and the Wolf Pack there... would annihilate her..

"Yes.. You can leave if you wish to? Now can we go in, Miss Flaris?"

Stepping inside the house quickly, Flaris then lunged back out of the threshold. Satisfied that there was no magic holding her back.. Nodding she stepped back inside, causing Prince Wu Long to shake his head..

But Flaris had forgotten to ask something important.. "Will he let her leave?"

Unlikely.. Very Unlikely..