Who Was I Meant For?

When Wu Long did not answer her question for a long time, Flaris frowned a bit and asked, "Hey! Why are you not saying anything? What is the meaning of this?" Since no one could accuse Flaris of being slow witted, she soon guessed the answer. "Are you saying that I landed here as a mate to some dragon?"

Wu Long widened his eyes and stared at Flaris. He had a feeling that if Flaris guessed that he was her mate, she might try to burn him to the ground. "When did I say that?"

Placing her hands on her hips, she pointed out," You did not say anything! But you have also not explained how I reached here in this forsaken place. Also, let me remind you that I did not land on a podium..

Finally Wu Long explained," Your reaching here was indeed a matter of fates and you were supposed to land on the podium. But something intervened.."

Flaris widened her eyes. She was barely an adult and the Fates had abducted her to marry some thousands of year old dragon? Talk about a May December relationship! Wow. "So, according to your investigation, I was supposed to land on a podium.."

"Yes. But not alive. You were going to die in that airplane crash and then your bruised and battered dead body would have arrived. But you changed that.."

"I? I changed something in my destiny?"

Flaris asked that question in a hurry? She was supposed to be dead and she would have been if that airplane had not shook so suddenly and violently, giving her a chance to escape. But how did she do that? Was it because she hid in the bathroom? No.. No.. He said the airplane should have crashed. So even if she hid in the bathroom, she would have died.."

"You must have done something that pleased a STAR?"

"A Star?"

"Yes. Stars like to travel through galaxies and you must have pleased one so that when they saw you in distress, they helped you. Stars are actually very fickle minded and child like. So if someone is nice to them, they help them out. Since you were on your way here, the star must have thought to help you and transported you here before you could die.."

Flaris wondered if things could get even more weird. So, she was on an alien planet with dragons, fates, magic folks and now Stars. She had no idea what sort of a twilight zone she had entered. but then another thought struck her, "Wu Long! If I never reached the podium, then the person who was supposed to mate with me, what happened to them?"

Both Wu Long and Jen Ting had described the mating to be of utmost importance. And even though she could not imagine being someone's mate, she felt bad for the nameless dragon who would have looked forward to a mate but his wait turned out fruitless. Would he be hating her now? For not bringing back his emotions and the rest?

"We can's say for sure who your mate was but there is one person whose mate was expected to arrive but did not."

"Really? Who?" Flaris told herself she did not have much interest in the person and this was simple curiosity.

Wu Long smiled as he heard the question before answering. This is what he wanted to see. He had asked Jin Teng to find out about her and test her. However that man had been too soft hearted so he needed to test..

"You would have been the mate of Prince Ivruss."

He expected a sense of greed to enter her eyes. She had disdained working at the palace. Maybe she perceived the work to be too low for her? She did not think much of Prince Ivruss. But would she try to get to know him and close to him at the thought of power and money?

But her expression did not change to one of greed or hunger. In fact, the slight frown turned into a deep scowl as she said, "Prince Ivruss? No way! I was thinking of at least going and meeting the guy, but I have no interest in politics and all that! Good thing I did not reach the podium! Wu Long, since I did not reach the podium that means that I am not his mate right? He won't take me away forcefully, right? Wu Long! You have to protect me, please? I will do whatever you say! But promise you won't let Prince Ivruss take me away."

Wu Long looked down at the way she was holding his hand between both of hers. Her hands were so small against his.. How could she be a danger to him.. Sighing in his heart that looks could be so deceiving, Wu Long nodded his head and promised her that no one would not take her..