A Beautiful Place

As Flaris fried the oysters, she marveled at the beauty of this planet. This place had everything that Earth had and more. If in the past month someone had told her that there was a place that was much like Earth but better, she would have laughed and called them a fool. But now.. She liked it here she decided. Of course she planned to go back to Earth some day but as long as she was here, she was going to enjoy it. The only thing that made this place less than perfect was the threat of a mate hanging over her. 

As she whistled a tune, she felt a sense of belonging as compared to Earth where she always felt like an outsider. At the orphanage, whenever she had felt this, she would usually busy herself in the kitchen to get away. That was one place where she always felt at home. While here, even though she had only been around to the forest , she felt a sense of belonging..