Appease The Queen

When Prince Ivruss exit his room, the soldiers standing guard outside almost lost consciousness due to shock! Their prince smelt like a woman. He who never let a woman near was smelling like one. And they were pretty sure, if they could stretch their necks they would be able to see a woman inside.. They had glimpsed some red hair.. But since they were disciplined and dare not move, they suppressed their gossip. Their Prince rarely called for an emergency and if he had called one today, then there must be something dangerous.

They looked at the Prince who walked out, waiting for further instruction. The Prince walked to the middle of the room before turning back to his soldiers and then nodding at General Jen Ting. General Jen Ting looked around at the Twenty soldiers and announced," As you all know, the Prince's fated mate was due to reach here but never did. But he did get his mate."