My Mate

Jin Teng paced a few times around the room as he started at the prince lying lifelessly on the bed. The Prince had not wanted to let Flaris know about the connection. But now, if he had to ask her.. Just then an idea clicked in his head and he hurried outside. 

General Graund stood out of the room with a long line of soldiers behind him. Graund marched forward the moment he saw him but Jin Teng shook his head. Now was not the time for explanations. 

With a slight knock on the door, Jen Ting stood at attention waiting for the door. Flaris shot up from the bed when she heard the first knock but she dared not open the door. Wu Long had explicitly told her not to..

When there was no answer, Jin Teng gulped worriedly and called out,"Flaris?"

Hearing General Jin Teng's voice, Flaris forgot all about the warnings and hurriedly opened the door. Without sparing a glance at Jin Teng, her eyes darted around the man, hoping to see Wu Long. But he wasn't there.