Dramatic Much?

As expected Flaris slumped against Wu Long. Wu Long looked down at the top of head and simply tickled her under the nose making her scrunch her most and snap her eyes open.

"Are you trying to pretend that you have fainted?"

Scowling, Flatis poked him in the chest while ignoring the rock hard feeling and pouted, "You are pulling a prank on me right? You know that I am averse to all those politics and all so..."

Wu Long looked down at her upturned and hopeful face and could not resist himself. Bending a bit he kissed her nose and said," No my little lamb. Sadly I am not."

Again with the scrunched nose, Flaris said" Suddenly I am not too comfortable with the nickname you call me. A little lamb? Is this like a lamb for slaughter? Wu Long, are you really not lying."