Prison Break

In a far away land, the three old women once again sat around a blanker weaving intently. Every time they added a bit of the black thread to create hardships in the tapestry, their mischievous granddaughter would do something that would end up in making that Prince Ivruss happier instead of increasing his suffering. As a result, they had finally created a special meteor shower to distract Stardust into participating and were now working frantically to add some more hardships.

Since the threads of fate could not be untangled, Prince Ivruss and Flaris had formed a blood bond that could not be undone. But whether they would succeed in making the other two bonds successfully or end up hurting one another was another matter. As the first fate cackled a bit at the love triangle she was about to create by making the girl fall for General Jin Teng, a sudden burst of sparkle fell over everyone and a boisterous voice shouted, "Grandmas!"