A Goodbye So Soon

As the group of people reached the small cave, Alpha Red could only shake his head at the scene. When he left his people were terrified of the human who could wield fire. And now that he had returned they were all eating 'burnt' meat from the lady who was actually roasting it on her hands! A young girl like her could already handle her fire. Queen Ingris.. your end is nearer than you can think!

When Flaris noticed the people that walked in, all her tiredness seemed to disappear and tossing the meat aside, she rushed forward to jump into her Wu Long's arms.

Wu Long had not expected that the girl he had been so worried about would actually be sitting casually roasting meat when he finally found her. But even so, the relief that he felt on seeing her fine out weighed everything. But when she raced into his arms, he felt as if his life had become successful.