A Long Wish

With her foot in his hands, Flaris tried to pull away from him but his eyes seemed to be holding her in place. She wanted to ask him to let go but her voice was lost. She watched as he slowly pulled away and helped her take off one shoe and then his hand circled her other ankle, taking off the other one.

"I..Ivruss?" She muttered his name as a question mark but ended with a sigh. All sorts of thoughts which had been going on in her head earlier in the evening were now rushing forward. Did he expect her to sleep with him. But this was too soon.. 

She should have thought of this sooner but he had been such a gentleman. "Gentlemen don't really pull you into their bodies when they are dancing", her inner voice whispered. "You should have known he would want more. He is not a boy who is going to be happy with some petting and stuff."