Where Are You Hurt?

Flaris looked up at Lupus with a grimace and seeing his hurt expression, asked in concern," Where are you hurt?"

"I hurt my shoulder yesterday!" 

"How? You were with me all day?"

"Not all day! I was going for a date last night and.. Just let it be. Who were you talking to just now?"

Flaris smiled up at this. The man really did not miss an opportunity to meet a pretty girl. Turning back with a smile, she introduced," This is Ingr.. Where did she go?"

Lupus watched with narrowed eyes at the disappearing figure. Run, she could. But not hide. He had already caught her scent. And as he sniffed hard, a scent of something else as well.

With a frown, he gave Flaris a once over but then immediately smiled and said," So, did you resolve your misunderstanding with Ivruss last night? You will notice that I did not really disturb you.."