In My Mind

"Did you say you love me?"

Flaris widened her eyes as she heard him ask this. She had not said anything of such nature. But..

"Are you sure you cannot read my mind?"

"I was.."

Flaris narrowed her eyes at him while purposefully keeping her head blank, "Try reading my mind now?"

Ivruss stared at her and tried but it was always the same blank.

Shaking his head, he told her," No, As always, it is a blank."

Flaris was about to nod in satisfaction when the rest of the words sank in," What do you mean as always?"

"Are you saying you can read minds? And that you have tried but not been able to read my mind? Does that mean all dragons and other were folks can read minds as well? Have you been listening in on what I was thinking? Has Lupus been listening in?"