Sleeping So Long

A woman dressed in pale white, lay in the middle of the bed sleeping peacefully. The silent sparkling water surrounded her and little fish swam inside pleasantly. Even though the person sleeping on the bed seemed as if they would wake up any time, she had actually been sleeping thousand of years.

In this time, she was not even aware that she had given birth to her daughter or that her daughter had been placed fat say from her to survive on her own.

But slowly things had been changing inside the woman. The darkness was slowly receding and her brain which had been covered in a hazy smoke for so long, seemed to be coming back to life. Her fingers twitched and her slowly she opened her light amber eyes. 

A person waking up after a long sleep of thousand years would be a little hazy, a little lost but not this woman. Within a few seconds of waking up, her eyes had a clear alertness in them that was not usual in patients who had been brain dead for a long while.