The Homecoming

Flaris could feel her palms sweating as she held Ivruss' hands. Inexplicably Ivruss had done so many things for those that she had cared about that Flaris realized he really had wanted her to come with him. From taking care of her worries about the orphanage to her dream of opening a cafe with healthy for as the main focus. Closing her eyes, she bid a happy good bye to this place like a bride who was going to go to her new marital home. 

The first feeling that Flaris felt as she was being squeezed in all directions was an awful sense of deja vu. She could feel Ivruss' arm tighten around her and almost let go of his other hand when she felt as if they were both being squeezed into a small tube! It was as if she had felt all of this earlier. But before she could think much on the fleeting thought, they had reached Adrian.