Father and Daughter

Flaris stared up at her mate before breaking into giggles. Even as she was warmed in the heart over the mention of her father, she was even more amused at Ivruss' dejected expression. So the first time he met his mother in law officially, they had been 'indecent'. Solaris would still cast him the evil eye now and then. Of course, he did not once show any shyness and would continue to hold her and caress her whenever he had the opportunity. But now, they were going to meet her father.

She wondered what her father would be like. As a kid, in her wild imagination, she would often wonder if her mother had abandoned her because her biological father was a jerk of the worst kind. And occasionally, she would wonder if he was even aware of her existence. She would dream that he would come to the orphanage someday and take her away. But over time, her expectations had been buried under the reality of life.